3 easy ways to make your Shopify store faster - Spectre Creative

Increasing your website speed is the fundamental way to increase your conversion rate. If your eCommerce store was built with a theme that makes your shopping experience slow then you can try these 3 steps to speed things up:

1. Use smaller images

Use the image size that is needed to display on your screen. Loading in a picture that is too large will only cause loading speed issues.

2. Compress images

Don’t use high-resolution images. Always try to compress your image as much as possible.
If you have a Mac, open your image and click ‘Tools’, then ‘Adjust size’. From here you will be able to reduce the resolution.

Alternatively, you can use a tool like squoosh to see how the image quality changes while you reduce the resolution.

3. Reduce 3rd party scripts

You’re probably using too many tracking or marketing scripts that you aren’t actually using do you really need Pinterest, Snapchat, Facebook, HotJar, ClickUp, Mailchimp, Linkedin etc.

A great option to reduce scripts is using Google Tag Manager to install Google Analytics, Ads and any other Google/3rd party-compatible scripts.

Think about which of these is actually bringing your business value and bin the rest.

Still struggling with site speed? Get in touch and we can chat about improvements that can be made to your eCommerce store.

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